Climate startups represent some of the most promising solutions to the world’s most existential problems. However, despite their potential, these startups often have a challenging path to the market, facing all of the same challenges as all startups but also many that are unique to their industry. CTV’s Orin Herskowitz will moderate a discussion with scientist-entrepreneurs and venture capitalists on whether the market is finally ready for adopting innovative climate technologies; why financing strategies for both the launch and growth stages are so important for climate startups; why climate investing requires a more hands-on approach from venture investors, even when the startup team has deep technical expertise in the field; and how to manage the pitfalls climate startups often face. Panelists include Cheryl Martin (Harwich Partners), Geraldine Alias (Three Cairns), Alan West (Still Bright), Dan Esposito (sHYp), Melissa Fensterstock (Material Impact), and Raffael Jovine (Brilliant Planet).